Tuesday 22 March 2016

Stupid little shits response to terrorism

Young people are generally selfish & like attention, they also become conditioned easily. So after every Islamic terrorist attack you see the utmost stupidity from often young white girls...

This time I saw somebody called Kae, who claimed to be a convert/Muslim.

She responded to a Katie Hopkins tweet by saying Insha Allah, her kids will revert. Somehow thinking it's cool to say your kids will believe 7th century garbage! that will show you...?

I mean the stupidity. Obviously she's seen Muslims say stuff like that before & she thought it'd make her seem cool to say it. Selfish attention seeking shit. Of course she actually looked idiotic.

I look at her timeline & she responds to Milo Yiannopoulos saying as a gay man he wants to stop Islam by suggesting society in general condemns gays. Not, Islam shouldn't be condemning gays, but other things condemn gays, so... why you complaining?  Seriously. This is what this stupid bitch said.

Her timeline then had another idiotic child try to compare Muslims to white men in America where 0.6% of America is Muslim and 69% is white & say white people commit more crime! Like duh, there's over 150 million more of them.

Show me a Muslim country where white people commit more crime than Muslims, yeah it doesn't exist.

Finally to top it off this retard Kae cited the Quran 5.32 as retweet a very much debunked line of defense that is tiresome. This is our youth folks. Stupid.